Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Final Results for Inter-class Competition: School Green Project

Final Results for the Inter-Class Competitions

The School Green Project was initiated by a group of teachers to commemorate the 60th birth Anniversary of our beloved fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck and with the prime objective to keep our school clean and green.

The inter-class competition for both seniors and juniors came to an end with prize distributions.
The results shows as below:

Tshering Dorji

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Reading Week

Happy Reading Week

May Ellen Chase said, “There is no substitute for books in the life of 
a child.” Reading is the core component that shapes the interest of an individual to step in the world of literature. It is the predominant strand and serves as a corner stone in inculcating the value of GNH; compassion, respect, honour, empathy among many others.If reading becomes a habit, it can decode the hidden treasures in the universe.

Therfore, understanding the importance of reading by the Ministry of Education; during the 17th Annual Education Conference held in Punakha in the fall season of 2014. It was unanimously agreed to celebrate the year 2015 as National Reading Year by the theme, Kadrinchey Mewang Chhog.

To draw a symbolic conclusion for this important National event; the literary coordinator lopen Tshering Dorji  published first edition of articles written by the ardent readers in the school. The magazine contained writings of teachers and students of the school.The dedication week concluded with inter-class competitions; Reader’s theatre for senior category and story-telling competition for the junior category.

The articles written by the  students are uploaded in the READER’S Page

Lopen Tshering Dorji


Friday, October 23, 2015

Tentative Plan to celebrate Reading week

Reading Week  Celebration
Kadrenchey  Mewang Chhog
Tentative Reading week Plan

Model Reading Roster

Teacher reader
Student reader
October 26,2015
·        Lop. Dechen Zangmo
·        Lop. Choeying Phuntsho
Class VIII A
October 27,2015
·        Lop. Tshering Dorji
·        Lop. Dawa Sangay
Class VIII B
October 28,2015
·        Lop. Kinley Tshering
·        Lop. Leki Tshering
Class VIII C
October 29,2015
·        Lop. Tshering Dolma
·        Lop. Phuntsho
Class VII A
October 30,2015
·        Lop. Leki Wangmo
·        Lop. Pemba
Class VII B
October 31,2015
·        Lop. Yeshey (T.P)
·        Lop. Neten
Class VII C

Saturday Activity Plan

Competition genre
Readers theatre
Story telling

Note: Prizes will be awarded.

Parents are invited to attend the program on Saturday, October 31,2015 in the Basketball court.

(Mr. Tshering Dorji)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I created this clip during my studies in India. It gives a concise picture of our Kings, culture and National identities. Better suits for lower primary children.

Tshering Dorji

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Round II: Inter-class Decoration and Cleanliness/Flower garden Competition Assessment Results

The competition has succeeded in prompting the children to maintain their respective classrooms clean and presentable. I went to the classes and noted that some classrooms are extremely cohesive and conducive. Compared to the points scored in the first round, I can proudly conclude that students have become more vigilant and they have inculcated the values of cooperation and patience. Through activity such as collecting plastic bottles, they have propagated the environmental plan; waste can be managed and it can be used for decoration purposes, promote litter free environment and earn financial benefits.

The Inter-class flower garden assessment was carried out on August 4, 2015 by our two Judges;Mr. Norbu Gyeltshen and Mr. Yeshi after the last period. The Inter-class decoration and Cleanliness Assessment was carried out on August 17, 2015 by Lopen Yadop Prasad and Lopen Tshering Dema.

The Results are as follow:

Tshering Dorji

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

                School Cleaning Campaign

The School Cleaning Campaign was organized by school Green Project, Nature club and Scouts on August 1. The cleaning campaign was carried out with two main prominent objectives: To sensitize the importance of waste management and to create awareness about conserving our clean and green environment in the community. The Campaign started after the second period and continued for an hour and half. The cleaning activity was carried out in seven areas as indicated in the tentative schedule plan. For the campaign, children of class four to eight counting to 400 students and 38 teachers were involved in the promotion.

The commonly unfavourable weather favoured the campaign. The weather was moderately foggy. Refreshments were served after the campaign in the school. 

     Campaign speech 

Snapshot before it began!!!

                                Refreshment time

                 Tentative cleaning Campaign Schedule

Monitoring teachers


School compound

·       Mrs.Cheten Zangmo
·       Mr.Pempa
·       Mrs. Tshering Wangmo
·       Mrs. Karma Yangzom


CHPC colony I &
Dzongkhag quarter

·       Mr. Choeyang Phuntsho
·       Mr. Norbu Gyeltshen(TP)
·       Mrs. Dawa Dem (P)
·       Mrs. Meera Dahal
·       Mrs. Yeshi Lhamo


CHPC colony II

·       Mr. Dawa S. Sherpa
·       Mr. Yeshi Dendup
·       Mrs. Dechen Zangmo
·       Mrs. P.K Bindu
·       Mrs. Leki Lhazom
·       Mrs. Dawa Dem


Hospital area

·       Mr. Leki Tshering
·       Mr. Yadhu Prasad
·       Mr. Gem Dorji
·       Mrs.Karma Chenzom
·       Mrs. Phuntsho Wangmo


Lower BPC colony & High School colony

·       Mr. Nado
·       Mr. Thinley Penjor
·       Mrs. Kinley Tshering
·       Mrs. Rada Wangmo
·       Mrs. Gyem Lhamo


Upper BPC colony

·       Mr. Phuntsho
·       Mr. Jamphel Choida
·       Mrs. Khandu Wangmo
·       Mrs. Tshering Dema(N)
·       Mrs. Tashi Pem



·       Mr. Neten Dorji
·       Mr. Duba Duba
·       Mrs. Leki Wangmo

(Tshering Dorji)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

 Teacher parents Meeting; second semester

The second teacher parent’s meeting was conducted on July 25 on Saturday. The audience started with welcome speech by our principal, Mr. Norbu Gyeltshen. The representative teachers shared the concerns and performances by the school.

The Exam Coordinator declared the results and felicitated the toppers from each grade; gave away prizes for the toppers from each section by our distinguished guests.  After the prize distribution, the gathering dispersed, so the parents can interact with their children’s respective class teacher and deliberate meaning resolutions for the children’s problem.

Speech and award ceremony

Toppers with parents and principal

p.s: Pictures of prize awarding ceremony is available in the photo gallery

Tshering Dorji

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Inter-Class Cleanliness and Decoration /Tree Sapling Assessment 
On May 16, a panel of judges among the teachers assessed the care of saplings allotted to the respective classes for the senior category. The judges assessed the saplings based on the criteria; class tag, manure, fencing and growth/improvement, each weighing 5 points.
On June 1, the assessment for Inter-class decoration and cleanliness competition was carried out by the School Green Project. The assessment was conducted by Mr. Gyembo Dorji and Mr. Nado in the third period for both senior and junior categories. The judges went to the classes and evaluated based on the following criteria;
1. Wall decoration(5 points)
2. organization(5 points)
3. Cleanliness(5 points)
4. Student conduct (5 points)
After the assessment, the result and standing of the positions by the classes are indicated in the table.

Pictures of Class cleanliness Assessment by the Judges

Tshering Dorji