Uploads for Class VII
  • ·         Punctuation
  • ·        Indented letter Format
  •      Figures of Speech
  •      Possessive pronouns and Possessive adjectives
  •      Verbs

Upload for Class VIII
  • ·         Punctuation
  • ·         Indented letter Format
  •            Active and Passive sentences
  •      Plural pronoun Usage
  •       Figures of Speech

Goal for Language:

  • ü  Use the knowledge of grammar learned in earlier classes.
  • ü  Use possessive pronouns appropriate.
  • ü  Use question tags correctly.
  • ü  Tell the parts of commonly used regular and irregular verbs.
  • ü  Use simple, compound and complex sentences.
  • ü  Use articles correctly.
  • ü  Use active and passive voice.
  • ü  Change from direct to indirect speech and vice-versa correctly.
  • ü  Show how the meanings of words are changed by adding prefixes and suffixes to root words.
  • ü  Use phrasal verbs correctly.
  • ü  Use additional punctuation marks and question tags appropriately.
  • ü  Use prepositions correctly.
  • ü  Use the dictionary for a variety of purposes-word meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.

Goals for Reading & Literature

  • ü  Use the reading strategies developed in earlier classes.
  • ü  Recognise denotative and connotative meanings of words in texts.
  • ü  Make text to life connections.
  • ü  Employ the features of fantasy stories to help them make meaning in their reading.
  • ü  Identify the features of the modern lyric and the traditional ballad.
  • ü  Recognize the music in poetry achieved by rhyme and rhythm, alliteration and assonance.
  • ü  Read poetry and discuss the emotions evoked in the reader by the language of poems.
  • ü  Build vocabulary and use pronunciation skills to pronounce new words clearly.
  • ü  Read the various meanings of a text which figurature language makes possible.
  • ü  Recognize the difference between literal and figurative language in the texts.
  • ü  Read critically about issues in the national and international community(non-fiction texts: newspapers, magazines) and discuss how these issues relate to them.
  • ü  Use the dictionary to find the meanings and use of idiomatic expressions.
  • ü  Read various kind of formal writing – business letters, reports, applications, and invitations – and know their different purposes.
  • ü  Read at least 40 pieces of fiction and non-fiction.
  • ü  Enjoy reading as a learning activity. 

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